Storichain - Creators + Developers A team of film directors, writers with insight into the story industry, and developers with more than 15 years of hands-on coding, launching, operation and sales of web/app Identity and Moral Responsibility to the Story Industry 이야기라는 협업을 통해서 전세계...
People do want to associate themselves with the success stories. Azbit project is an interesting, new, modern type of business, which i and you as well can be associated with. One of the main reasons why I joined this project is the fact that its something unique, something which came from the future, and they brought in...
Project PAI is developing an open-source blockchain protocol to decentralize AI development for everyone. PAI, the worlds first Personal AI (PAI), a 3D intelligent avatar designed to look like you, speak like you, and behave like you in the digital space. A persons PAI is directly owned and managed by the original user, who can... conducted the MCO Token Sale in May-June 2017 and raised US$26.7 million. MCO has a circulating supply of 15.8 million tokens and trades on 22 exchanges globally. MCO Token Utility has been enhanced significantly since launch. 은 정통 금융인 비자카드와 연동 간편한 결제 시스템을...